Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Business Outsourcing Solutions

With today’s recession and economic problems more and more businesses are now engaging in outsourcing. Basically it is a process of contracting a third party organization and or a freelance staff to do the work for you. Often times outsourcing is done in countries where labor is cheaper to reduce the overhead cost of a business without compromising the work flow and disrupting operation models. Outsourcing is a great way to save companies from closing down and to maximize profit however there are a few requirements to successfully deploy it.

Communication – One of the most important aspects that you need to look into is your communication system. Since your staff is likely to be from overseas a reliable and smart office telephone system is a must to build trust and convey instructions easily. A cloud PBX office telephone system is a number one candidate for such requirement because the technology is able to bridge distances at no additional cost. This means that regardless of where your staff is located his or her extension will work as if you are in the same office. This allows you to monitor and delegate tasks accordingly without the distance being a factor.

Monitoring system – it also pays if you will acquire a monitoring software to track the progress of your staff and to be able to clock in the correct time for their work. Usually this software takes screenshots, logs key press, mouse clicks and the like to check whether your employees are doing what is expected from them. There is also a bunch of software that even allows you view your employees’ screens in real time and or view from the webcam for advanced monitoring. Apart from staff check this will also allow you to identify the challenges your employees might be facing either from the work process or from any tools you may have.

Cloud central files storage – You also might want to have a cloud central files storage system since your staff will be working overseas. This will let you and your employees access files and data from any computer easily as long as it is connected to the internet. Furthermore this will also give the flexibility for you and your staff so you can work virtually anywhere without having to do the troublesome files back up and copying.

CRM – a Client Relationship Management software is also needed if you wish to engage your overseas employees in sales and support roles. This will let them retrieve and update sales leads easily. Having a central sales lead storage will also improve team coordination and your businesses processes because changes can be seen in real time.

Although it may seem troublesome and expensive to outsource a work load the truth is you will still be saving more than 50% on your overhead costs especially if you wish to hire more than 1 overseas employee.

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