Thursday, March 14, 2013

Office Telephone Checklist

Overhauling an office telephone system involves serious money and as a business owner you should be careful before signing up with a provider, otherwise, you might find yourself back to the drawing board and planning another overhaul. As we all know communication is important for any business to succeed and office telephone system plays a pivotal role so it is just a must to take some considerable time before deciding.

To help you decide and search for the best possible office telephone solution in the market today, a checklist should be made based on the following key points in an office telephone system. Bear in mind though that the more detailed your checklist is the better reference it will be.

Your needs – List down all your needs in an office telephone system, make sure that you include all important aspect of a communication system. What is the calling capacity you need? Does it allow call forwarding options? Is it able to handle an IVR?  If you need conferencing features, does it allow such function? Does it it allow an out of hours mode? Are the handsets fit for specific tasks? These are just some of the questions that you need to put in your checklist. Remember core idea is your needs and not what the system can give.

Customer service – Since you will be acquiring a service it is just a must for the provider to offer an outstanding customer service. You should be able to pick up the phone and call them if you are experiencing a problem or if you need any assistance in any matter. For a holistic quality service a good level of customer must always be provided not only in an office telephone but also in any other services that you will acquire be it for home or business.

Streamline your processes – A communication system should also allow you to streamline your internal and external processes otherwise it is not the solution for you. The phone should be a tool to assist you and your staff on your sales, support and marketing processes or else its overall function is futile and sooner or later you might have to replace it again.

Expansion – Lastly a phone system should never hinder your expansion, this means you should be able to add more extensions and or features without having to upgrade the entire PBX. Bear in mind that flexibility is very important in a business communication system and as a business owner it is your duty to secure such solution.

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