Friday, May 10, 2013

VoIP Office Telephone System – Must Know IP Phones Information

IP phones are basically the only hardware you need to purchase to use a VoIP office telephone system thus it is a must for business owners to be extra cautious in buying one to avoid costly mistakes and to maximize the capabilities of cloud systems. Today there are various make and models and the market that is somewhat beneficial and a disadvantage in different aspects. Beneficial in terms of price point because the more competitive the market is the better the prices will be. Disadvantage because the sheer number of options may lead to confusion.

To keep you guided are here some of points you need to consider when purchasing an IP phone for your VoIP office telephone system:

Price point – different suppliers will have different price ranges however it is always advisable to make purchases on trusted suppliers and well established companies. More often small or unknown suppliers will have cheaper prices but at a difference of $10 will you risk your investment?

Build quality – Examine the handset physically and just try gauge the build quality, the materials used and the overall physical quality of the unit. It should not squeak, rattle nor feel like it is made from the cheapest and thinnest plastic there is, otherwise you cannot expect it to last for years and it will likely crack and even totally break to pieces especially with the continuous slamming that it will go through.

Compatibility – before heading out and sourcing office telephone handsets it is best that you double check with your soon to be VoIP provider whether the make and model that you eyeing on is compatible with their systems and if all the features that they will work perfectly with the firmware that is used for that make and model.

Ease of use – Nobody wants a complicated phone, so before paying up for the unit be sure to at least try how to use it. Are there dedicated buttons for the features? Or do you have to go through a set of menu options before you can transfer a call?  Take this into consideration to ensure that you and your staff will not have a hard time dealing with the handset.

Specific need – Another factor that you need to consider is the need of the actual user. Your receptionist will need a reception style desk phone to transfer the call easily, whilst your back end staff may just need a simple desk phone without anything fancy on it.

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