Monday, January 28, 2013

Cloud PBX Office Telephone – Busting the Myths

It is a sad fact that the telecommunications world has been shrouded by multiple myths and misconception that often leads to confusion. It is a burden for all business owners to secure a reliable cloud PBX office telephone system because of such erroneous information. It is true that all phone system has their own pros and cons but some information over the web are just simply absurd.

Common myths busted

Low quality voice calls – Probably the most sought after myth is about the quality of cloud PBX office telephone. Most people think that since it is more affordable and uses the internet quality will suffer. It is true that this type of phone system rely heavily on the internet however internet connection these days are not like what it used to be back in the 1990’s. Today it is easy to secure a good and stable connection and often times exceeds what is needed by such system.

Unsecure calls – It is a must for any business to have a secure office telephone system especially when dealing with private and sensitive information like credit card details and health concerns. Cloud PBX office telephone systems are capable of doing just that. By using a technology called encryption data are transmitted securely. In fact it is easier to create a physical connection to the copper wires of a traditional telephone than breaking into an encryption and converting packetized data into an analog form for retrieval.

Unreliable – Another common myth is about reliability. Common individuals think that since there is on premise hardware running the system issues of reliability may arise. For starters not all technological solution are 100% guaranteed even the well established on premise PBXs are also facing down time and maintenance issues. The same with a cloud PBX office telephone but the difference is the level of fail-over back up. In a traditional phone when the system is down its down and there is no way for your business to make and receive calls. With the latter it can be custom programmed to transfer a call to a mobile, another office number or voice mail so can still be connected to your customers.

Cost and charges – Another myth is about the cost, well for starters it is obvious that this one is clearly busted. VoIP solutions are well known for the savings that it can generate. Calling charges and upkeep cost are significantly lower not because of some magic trick but rather because of innovative call transmission and system management.

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