Monday, April 15, 2013

Modern Day Office Telephone System

Traditional phone systems are designed to carry incoming and outgoing calls nothing more and nothing less. However, the demand and competition in today’s market is more complex that what it used to be 20 years ago. Luckily, modern day office telephone systems are now offering smart features that will not only improve the way businesses communicate with customers but also aid in the ever changing demand of today’s fast paced environment.

Modern day office telephone systems still perform the most basic yet most important function of a phone and that is to transmit calls. Today’s office telephone system can either use traditional analog lines, an ISDN circuit and even the internet to deliver calls. The method of transmission may differ that of 20 years ago but still the overall function is the same and that is to offer business grade quality every time you place or receive a call.

So what’s so different in today’s solutions? Office telephone systems today offer more features that will allow businesses to tender their products and services more effectively. Here are some of the features that nobody thought possible years ago.

Better call forwarding options – Today office telephone system are capable of transferring calls between extensions, to a mobile or to a landline with just a press of button. You can also do it automatically by tweaking the settings so that the PBX will automatically forward calls to a mobile or another landline number when your business is out of hours, on holidays or if everyone is busy to pick up.

Smarter IVR options – Interactive Voice Response or IVR is probably one of the most flexible features you can have. You can use for a greeting message, a menu system, an on hold message and even for an automated booking system. Not only that it will assist you in streamlining your processes but it will create a sense of trust in customers. Phones are the doorway to customers and it is just a must to impress them during the initial contact as it will reflect on the way the business is managed.

Multiple locations – Did you know that extensions or handsets can be placed across the globe and work as if all are under one roof? Thanks to VoIP technologies distance is no longer a problem. By using the internet instead of traditional copper lines extensions can be situated anywhere in the world. This means that your support staff in the Philippines can answer calls coming in from your Australian number the same way your sales agent in New York can answer sales related calls.

Not only that this feature will allow you to work from home to give you and your staff a flexible working environment, this will also open your doors to outsourcing options.

CRM Integration – Tired of having to scribble a customer’s number on a piece of paper only to find out you forgot where you put it? Then worry no more. Today’s telephone systems are capable of integrating with a client management software that will let you store vital information such as number, address, email address and even invoices. You can even have your CRM engineers to program it for you so can directly dial from the software or even load all the numbers you need to call out using an automated dialer.

The possibilities are endless with today’s communication solutions be sure to discuss with your chosen provider all the nuts and bolts of your requirements and what they can do for you to ensure that you acquire a solution is best suited for your business.

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